john rc potter
I Will Not Be Denied
The expanse of history and time is so wide,
painted in broad strokes with love and hate;
on a canvas, its background justice denied,
and of innocence lost, love found too late.
My time on this earth and my personal history
whispers behind me of liars and why they lied;
yet I am not a stranger to myself, no mystery,
but I want to know how people lived, not died.
Others hear the wind howling; for me, it sighed
and caressed my life with a memory of long ago;
turning pages in my life, with new each tide
coming in, I am strong, with water high or low.
Others have stormed through my life, taking peace
but leaving a trail of lies, and then trying to hide,
from the truth; for me, their past has begun to cease
while my future claims me: I will not be denied.